The New Heart Bible (NHEB), by Wayne A. Mitchell, is a Modern English (US) translation of the Holy Bible. The base Biblical manuscripts are compared and corrected by other available records of the Bible. However, the NHEB uses modern English idiom for a clearer understanding to the casual reader rather than a literal translation. This translation also uses two separate columns per page. Grab and enjoy this free modernized Bible.
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Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God remains in him, and he in God. (1 John 4:15 WEB)
The New Heart English Bible (NHEB)
SpenceDecember 31, 2019Complete Bible, eBook, Masoretic, Modern English, Westcott and Hort
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The New Heart Bible (NHEB), by Wayne A. Mitchell, is a Modern English (US) translation of the Holy Bible. The base Biblical manuscripts are compared and corrected by other available records of the Bible. However, the NHEB uses modern English idiom for a clearer understanding to the casual reader rather than a literal translation. This translation also uses two separate columns per page. Grab and enjoy this free modernized Bible.
Darby Bible 1890 (DARBY)
SpenceDecember 31, 2019Complete Bible, Early English, eBook, Masoretic, Novum Testamentum Graece
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John Nelson Darby was a Priest within the Anglican Church of Ireland, then resigned as a clergyman to avoid corrupt organization. Darby devoted his life to the Plymouth Brethren movement. His purpose for creating French and German translations of the Bible was not to render the King James Bible (which he used to preach) obsolete, but render a literal translation for his own studies. Notably, the Darby's Bible renders God's name as "Jehovah" opposed to "God" or "Lord", as seen in translations.
Young's Literal Translation (YLT)
SpenceDecember 31, 2019Early British English, Early English, eBook, Masoretic, Textus Receptus
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Young's Literal Translation (YLT) by Robert Young, is a very literal translation of the Bible; a word-for-word translation of Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. A notable difference of Young's translation is the maintenance of present tense, where many use past tense instead.
American Standard Version (ASV)
SpenceDecember 31, 2019Bible Translation, Complete Bible, Early English, eBook, Masoretic, Westcott and Hort
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The American Standard Version Bible (ASV) is a minor revision of the 1881 English Revised Version (RV). Because of its basis translation, the ASV is a literal word-for-word translation. Opposed to many newer translations, the ASV keeps many verses that are missing from others. One example is Matthew 17:21.
English Revised Version Bible (RV)
SpenceDecember 31, 2019Apocrypha, Complete Bible, Early British English, Early English, eBook, Masoretic, Westcott and Hort
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The English Revised Version Bible (RV or ERV) is a British revision of the popular King James Bible, known for being very literal. English was updated to more "modern" English and access to more Greek manuscripts were applied during translation. Notably, Revised Version's apocrypha offers the complete text of Second Esdras, which was incomplete in older translations.
World English Bible (WEB) Audiobook
The World English Bible (WEB) modernizes the Bible's language into Modern English, but an Audiobook helps complete the experience! Set your media player tracks to go through chapters as you read through your copy of the WEB Bible. Alternatively, simply set, open, and experience the audio of God's word.
World English Bible (WEB)
SpenceDecember 30, 2019Apocrypha, Bible Translation, Complete Bible, Easy-to-Read, eBook, Masoretic, Modern English, Westcott and Hort
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The World English Bible, by volunteers of Rainbow Missions, Inc, is a modernization of the American Standard Version/Revised Version (ASV) Bible. The WEB updates archaic English used in older translations and replaces about 1000 words and phrases to make the Bible easier to understand. This version further builds on the Westcott-and-Hort-based American Standard Version and includes minor adjustments according to the Septuagint and Dead Sea Scrolls too.
The Book of Revelations Animated Movie (KJV)
SpenceDecember 30, 2019Animation, Audiobook, Early British English, MP4, Textus Receptus
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The Biblical Book of Revelations has astonished and baffled many of its readers because of constant symbolism and metaphor used to describe the Biblical end-times. Apostle John described his visions in the eyes of a 1st Century AD man that was not familiar with advanced technology. To help interpret John's visions, Dennis Copp, a faithful disciple of Christ had created this animation.
King James Bible Audiobook
SpenceDecember 30, 2019Audiobook, Early British English, Masoretic, MP3, Textus Receptus
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The King James Bible is available to all! If you find yourself too busy to sit down and read the Bible, you can easily turn the audio on here and listen with any desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone, video game console, or device and listen. This KJV Audiobook bundle contains all 66 books of the Old Testament and New Testament. Savior the Lord's word and Jesus Christ be with you, amen. :)
King James Bible 1611 Pure Cambridge (KJV)
SpenceDecember 30, 2019Bible Translation, Complete Bible, Early British English, eBook, Masoretic, Textus Receptus
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The King James Bible (often abbreviated as KJV, KJB, or AV) is an Early British-English translation of the Holy Bible, published by the Church of England in 1611. 47 Bible scholars contributed to the completion of the KJV's translation in a span of 4 years before publication in 1611. Today, King James' translation still continues to be the most influential book in the world.